Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Conventions can be considered as information of previous actions taken by forerunners.

Because the behavioral model is incomplete, actions need to be modeled as random variables.

No one intended the outcome; it arises because people optimize locally and do not worry about the effect of their actions on the long-run properties of the system.

Young 1998 Individual Strategy and Social Structure

social institutions are shaped by the cumulative impact of many individuals interacting with one another over long periods of time.

the features are determined to a considerable degree byt the accumulation of historical precedents, that is, by the decisions of many individuls who were concerned only with making the best trade at the moment, not with the impact of their decisions on the long-run development of that market.

Eventually one form becomes standard and customary for a given type of transaction, not necessarily because it is optimal, abut because it serves the purpose reasonably well and it is what everyone has come to expect. It is now an institution that coordinates behaviors, and to deviate from it would be costly.

No one willed them into being. They are what they are due to the accumulation of precedent; they emerged from experimentation and historical accident.

Equilibrium can be understood only within a dynamic framework that explains how it comes about.

"Neoclassical economics describes they way the world looks once the dust has settled; we are interested in how the dust goes about settling. The business of settling may have considerable bearing on how things look afterwards.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Epstein (CE 2001) Learning to be thoughtless: social norms and individual computation

Individual thought (computing) is often inversely related to the strength of a social norm.

Two features of social conventions
1. self-enforcing
2. once entrenched, we conform without thinking about it

The author mistakenly attribute the features of individual habits to social conventions. We do something without thinking about it because we've already formed a habit of taking the action, be it a social convention or not.

The strength of a norm is represented by the variance of the actions taken by individuals. The disutility of deviating from a social norm is related to the strength of that norm.  

when there is no time to think or not enough information based on which we can draw conclusion, we usually do what most others will do

do whatever everyone else is doing
1. some one may have relevant information that you don't know
(2. comparative performance is determinant in evolution)

we can use a sampling size less than n...

agent-based model is a generative model

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

This is a world of tradeoffs, not solutions. And whatever trade-off is decided upon will still leave unmet needs.

Nothing is a "need" categorically, regardless of how urgent it may be to have at particular times and places and in particular amounts.

By its very nature as a study of the use of scarce resources which have alternative uses, economics is about incremental trade-offs--not about "needs" or "solutions."

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Evolutionary process can be considered as a rationing process. The scarce resources to be rationed are opportunities to survive. The criterion for discriminating among genes to determine which will get the chance to survive.

Competition is actually between genes.Animals are just tools genes use to compete with each other.

This statement ma make use feel desperate. As humans, we always want to be in control. It is hard for us to accept the fact that we are just tools.

Co-evolution of different genes.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The truth lies within you.

Be the miracle for which you pray, be the strength for which you call out, be the love for which you yearn, and be the change you which to see. Be it!

Be all that you seek for this world and end your search at last, knowing that everything for which you looked, you always possessed, but simply could not experience until you gave it away.

Truth is truth. It can neither be proven nor disproven. It simply is.

So long as you are still worried about what others think of you, you are owned by them. Only when you require no approval from outside yourself can you won yourself.

It is not nearly so important how well a message is received as how well it is sent. You teach what you have to learn.

Seek only to be genuine. Strive to be sincere. Do what you can do. Then let it rest.

Guilt is the feeling that keeps you stuck in who you are not. Guilt is a blight upon the land--the poison that kills the plant.

Love and awareness are your true friends.

Fear only paralyzes, while consciousness mobilizes.

Blessed are the fearless, for they shall know God.

When I want for you what you want for you, then I truly love you. When I want for you what I want for you, then I am loving Me, through you. For love chooses naught for itself, but only seeks to make possible the choices of the beloved other.

All good things come to those who wait.

Deciding ahead of time what you choose to be produces that in your experience.
What you act as if you are, you become.
Everything you do, do out of sincerity. Natural Law requires the body, mind and spirit to be united n thought, word and action for the process of creation to work.

Whatever you choose for yourself, give to another.

When you give something to another with purity of heart--because you see that they want it, need it, and should have it--then you will discover that you have it to give. And this is a grand discovery.

When you want something, give it away.

Be wisdom, and you will have it. What is the fastest way to "be" wisdom? Cause another to be wise.

Nothing can happen in your life which in not a precisely perfect opportunity for you to heal something, create something, or experience something that you wish to heal, create or experience in order to be Who You Really Are.

If you want your life to settle down, to stop bringing you such a wide variety of experiences, there's a way to do that. Simply stop changing your mind so often about Who You Are, and Who You Choose to Be.

Nothing escapes perfection in God's world.

The design of your life--the people, places and events in it--have all been perfectly created by the perfect creator of perfection itself: you. And Me...in, as, and through you.

If all you desired is what your soul desired, everything would be every simple.

Mark Twain ""When I was 19, my father knew nothing. But when I was 35, I was amazed at how much the Old Man had learned."

Truth is often uncomfortable. It is only comforting to those who do not wish to ignore it. Then, truth becomes not only comforting, but inspiring.

Act as if you were separate from nothing, and no one, and you will heal your world tomorrow.

I am in every flower, every rainbow, every star in the heavens, and everything in and on every planet rotating around every star.

I am the whisper of the wind, the warmth of your sun, the incredible individuality and the extraordinary perfection of every snowflake.

I am the majesty in the soaring flight of eagles, and the innocence of the doe in the field; the courage of lions, the wisdom of the ancient ones.


Thought control is the highest form of prayer. Therefore, think only on good things, and righteous. Dwell not in negativity and darkness. And even in moments when things look bleak--especially in those moments--see only perfection, express only gratefulness, and then imagine only what manifestation of perfection you choose next.

In this formula is found tranquility. In this process is found peace. In this awareness is found joy.

Your perspective creates your thoughts, and your thoughts create everything. Assume a different perspective and you will have a different thought about everything. In this way you will have learned to control your thought, and, in the creation of your experience, controlled thought is everything. Some people call this constant prayer.

If you imagined that the controlling and directing of your thoughts is the highest form of prayer, you would think only on good things, and righteous.

Move to a state of total awareness. Then belief will no longer be necessary. Complete knowing will work its wonders.

God seeks to prove Itself to no one, for God has no need to do that.

All of this, all of this, has been made possible because of their faith. Because of their knowing. Because of their immutable clarity about how things are, and how they are meant to be.

Honoring your guru is not giving your power away. It is getting your power. For when you honor the guru, when you praise your master teacher, what you say is, "I see you." And what you see in another, you can begin to see in yourself.

There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

As soon as you imagine that you know the answer, you do. In those moments during which you experience yourself being "revealed" to yourself--whether these are what you call out-of-body experiences, or dreams or magic moments of wakefulness when you are greeted by crystal clarity--what has happened is that you have simply slipped into "remembering." You are remembering what you have already created. And there rememberings can be very powerful. They can produce a personal epiphany.

Act out your knowingness in every moment. Keep acting on what you know, rather than what the world of illusion is showing you.

Cause another to remember. That which you wish for yourself, give it to another. The longer you keep on doing it, the less you will have to do it. The more you send this message to another, the less you will have to send it to your Self.

Go inside. Search your place of inner wisdom. See what this calls on you to do. Then do it.

Most important of all, do not be afraid. In all things, see the perfection.

Celebrate! Celebrate life! Celebrate Self! Celebrate the predictions! Celebrate God! Celebrate! Play the game. Celebrate the perfection! Smile and celebrate and see only the perfection, and that which others call the imperfection will not touch you in any way which is imperfect for you.

Face the future fearlessly, understanding The Process and seeing the perfection of all of it.

The first step in developing psychic "power" is to know you have it, and to use it. Pay attention to every hunch you have, every feeling you feel, every intuitive "hit" you experience, Pay attention. Then, act on what you "know." Don't let you mind talk you out of it. Don't let your fear pull you away from it.
The more that you act on your intuition fearlessly, the more your intuition will serve you. It was always there, only now you're paying attention to it.

Three rules of psychic phenomena: 1. All thought is energy. 2. All things are in motion. 3. All time is now.

Intuition is the ear of the soul. The soul is the only instrument sensitive enough to "puck up" life's faintest vibrations, to “feel” these energies, to sense these waves in the field, and to interpret them.

The psychic has learned not to question what he's "thinking" or suddenly "seeing" or "feeling" but merely to allow it to "come through" as untouched as possible.

It is all a question of a perception. When you change your perception, you change your thought, and your thought creates your reality.

Even before you ask, I will have answered.

You don't always get what you ask, but you always get what you create. Creation follows thought, which follows perception.

All caused effect is ultimately experienced by the Self. Whatever you cause another to experience, you will one day experience. What goes around, comes around. Do unto others as you would have it done unto you,

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

Love is the best "medium" of communication.

Life cannot give itself to you if you do not understand death. You must do more than understand it. You must love it, even as you love life.

Your time with each person would be glorified if you thought it was your last time with that person. Your experience of each moment would be enhanced beyond measure if you thought it was the last such moment. Your refusal to contemplate your own death leads to your refusal to contemplate your own life.

Nothing is painful which you understand is not real
Nothing is painful the moment you understand that nothing is real.
Death is never an end, but always a beginning. 
As you watch your own life roll out before you, do not yourself become unraveled. Keep your Self together! See the illusion! Enjoy it! But do not become it!

You are not the illusion, but the creator of it.
You are in this world, but not of it.
So use your illusion of death. Use it! Allow it to be the key that opens you to more of life.

Always remember, you are not the flower, nor are you even the fruit. You are the tree.

Glorify what you are today, yet do not condemn what you were yesterday, nor preclude what you could become tomorrow.

Enlightenment begins with acceptance, without judgment of “what is”.

Remember, you are a three-part being, with seven chakra centers. When you respond to one another from all three parts, and all seven centers, at the same time, then you have the peak experience you are looking for—that you have been created for!

When you are not being whole, you are being less than yourself.
Whatever you are doing, do it as a whole being; as the whole being you are.
Raise your energy, your life force, to the highest level possible in every moment, and you will be elevated.

When you are in readiness, you are in wakefulness. A smile can take you there. A simple smile. Just stop everything for one moment, and smile. At nothing. Just because it feels good. Just because your heart knows a secret. And because your soul knows what the secret is. Smile at that. Smile a lot. It will cure whatever ails you.

Breathe. Breathe long and deep. Breathe slowly and gently. Breathe in the soft , sweet nothingness of life, so full of energy, so full of love. It is God’s love you are breathing. Breathe deeply, and you can feel it. Breathe very, very deeply, and the love will make you cry. For joy.

Words are the least reliable form of communication.

Silences hold the secrets. So the sweetest sound is the sound of silence. This is the song of the soul.
If you believe the noises of the world rather than the silences of our soul, you will be lost.

Use your life as a meditation, and all the events in it. Walk in wakefulness, not as one asleep. Move with mindfulness, not mindlessly, and do not tarry in doubt and fear, neither in guilt nor self-recrimination, yet reside in permanent splendor in the assurance that you are grandly loved.

For your home is in My heart, and Mine in yours.

Do not try to solve all the mysteries. Not at one time, anyway. Give the universe a chance. It will unfold itself in due course. Enjoy the experience of becoming.

What you call the mind is real an energy.

Divine Dichotomy holds that it is possible for two apparently contradictory truths to exist simultaneously in the same space.

All life is a vibration.

The Father of all is pure thought.

Be the source of love which I Am in the lives of all others. Do unto others as you would have it done unto you.

You cannot “lose” that which you give away.

You were born with the creative power of the universe at the tip of your tongue.

As thou has believed, so be it done unto you.
You teach what you have to learn.

Public declaration is the highest form of visioning. Live the grandest version of the greatest vision you ever had about Who You Are. Begin the living of it by declaring it. Publicly.

I am the life and the way.
All these things come to Me from the Father. Without the Father, I am nothing.
I and the Father are One.

There is only one moment, and that is the eternal moment of Now
You’re returning now to “living lightly.” You’re lightening up. This is what is meant by enlightenment.

Loving everyone full out is the most joyful thing you can do.
Any attempt to restrict the natural expressions of love is a denial of the experience of freedom—and thus a denial of the soul itself. For the soul is freedom personifies.

When making any decision, it is important to make sure the right question is being answered.
You will seek freedom, unlimitedness, and eternality in every experience of love You are life expressing life, love expressing love, God expressing God.

God Life Love Unlimited Eternal Free

Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. It is that which you are not.

Not that one person is more special to you than another, but that the way you choose to demonstrate with one person the depth of love you have for all people—and for life itself—is unique to that person alone.
Do you know why no two snowflakes are alike? Because it is impossible for them to be. “Creation” is not “duplication,” and the Creator can only create.
All people are One, yet no two people are alike. You could not, therefore, love two people in the same way if you tried—and you would never want to, because love is a unique response to that which is unique.

True love is always free, and obligation cannot exist in the space of love.

Tell and live your truth.
Creative beings create their feelings, rather than experiencing them.
Until you can create your future, you cannot predict your future. Until you can predict your future, you cannot promise anything truthfully about it.

A master is a person who—quite literally—knows what he is doing. She also knows why.

Betrayal of yourself in order not to betray another is betrayal nonetheless. It I the highest betrayal.

More damage has been done to others by persons leading lives of quiet desperation than ever was done by persons freely doing what they wanted to do.
When you give the other person their freedom, you give yourself freedom as well.
What you give to another, you give to your Self. What goes around, comes around
There is no need to worry about what you are going to “get back.” There is only a need to worry about what you are going to
give out.” Life is about creating the highest quality giving, not the highest quality getting.

In the New Culture “success” will be measured by how much you cause others to amass.

The basic instinct of all living things is to express uniqueness, not sameness. Equality of opportunity is what is required for this, not equality in fact. This is called fairness.
Love has no requirements. That’s what makes it love.
When you are in a relationship with another, that relationship has only one purpose. It exists as a vehicle for you to decide and to declare, to create and to express, to experience and to fulfill your highest notion of Who You Really Are.
Start with yourself. You will put yourself first in these matters. If you are seeking to be love, you will be doing loving things with others, for you Self—so that you can actualize and experience your grandest idea about your Self and Who You Really Are

All the world’s a stage, and the people, the places.
To be or not to be, that is the question.
To thine own Self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.

It is much more difficult to free someone than to control them. When you control someone, you get what you want. When you free someone, they get what they want.

Nothing happens against the will of God.

You are in this world, but not of it.

You can tell how highly a person or society has evolved by what that being or society calls “pleasure. And by what it declares to serve it.
You are in the act of defining your Self right now.
You are the life and the way. The world will follow you. It is simply The Way It Is. Your world will follow your idea about yourself. Ever it has been, ever it will be. First comes your thought about yourself, then follows the outer world of physical manifestation.
What you think, you create. What you create, you become. What you become, you express. What you express, you experience. What you experience, you are. What you are you think. The circle is complete.

Unity is the truth. Separatism is the illusion.
The master knows that denial is for those who are choosing to have the illusion continue. Acceptance is for those who choose now for the illusion to end. Acceptance, proclamation, demonstration. Those are the three steps to God.
The master’s role is to lead others to mastery. Seeing the illusion allows the master to step outside of it.
Advanced technology without advanced thought creates not advancement, but demise.

Justice is an act, not punishment for an act. Justice is an action, not a reaction.
You have to raise consciousness before you can change consciousness.

Think outside the box.

Achieving should be defined as “doing what brings value” not “ doing what brings ‘fame’ and ‘fortune,’ whether it is of value or not.”
See everyone as you.
It is the mark of a primitive culture to imagine that simplicity is barbarian, and complexity is highly advanced.
The greatest complexity is the greatest simplicity. A complex system is utterly elegant in its Simplicity.

Highly evolved beings: 1. Observe fully 2. Communicate truthfully.
The degree to which a species—or a relationship between members of the same species—has evolved is demonstrated by the degree to which beings require the use of “words” to convey feelings, desires or information.
Caring creates communication.
Where there is deep love, words are virtually unnecessary. The more words you have to use with each other, the less time you must be taking to care for each other, because caring creates communication.
Ultimately, all real communication is about truth. And ultimately, the only real truth is love. That is why, when love is present, so is communication. And when communication is difficult, it is a sign that love is not fully present.

The light of truth will forever show the way.

What you resist, persists. Only what you hold can disappear.
True clarity can come only when someone is willing to notice: There is something I do not know, the knowing of which could change everything. Werner Erhard
If you saw you as God sees you, you would smile a lot.
Observe. Observe. OBSERVE. See to observe more.

Life resolves itself in the process of life itself. Werner Erhard
Nothing matters means that nothing turns into matter except as we choose for it to.

In everything, be cause. Just because. That is the only reason to do anything.
There’s nothing I have to have, there’s nothing I have to do, and there’s nothing I have to be, except exactly what I’m being right now. What you experience yourself having or doing will spring from your being—not lead you to it.
The way to “get there” is to “be there.” Just be where you choose to get! It’s that simple. There’s nothing you have to do.
Truth is the body, and joy is the blood, of God, who is love. Truth. Joy. Love. There three are interchangeable.

The first step in finding that we are not apart from God is finding that we are not apart from each other, and until we know and realize that all of us are One, we cannot know and realize that we and God are On.

The fastest way to find God is to find each other. Stop hiding out from each other. And, of course, stop hiding out from ourselves. The fastest way to stop hiding out is to tell the truth. To everyone. All the time.

Start telling the truth now, and never stop. Begin by telling the truth to yourself about yourself. Then tell the truth to yourself about another. Then tell the truth about yourself to another. Then tell the truth about another to that other. Finally, tell the truth to everyone about everything. There are the five levels of truth telling. This is the five-fold path to freedom. The truth shall set you free.

It is an irony of life that when you need our connection the most, you step away from it.

Life is an ongoing process of creation. You are creating your reality every minute

When you make up your mind about something, you set the universe into motion. Be of one mind and of single purpose about a thing. Don’t take your mind off of it until you have produced it in reality. Keep focused. Stay centered.

This is what is meant by being single-minded. If you choose something, choose it with all your might, with all your heart. Don’t be faint-hearted. Keep moving toward it. Be determined. You may have whatever you choose.

God produces what you call forth! You call forth precisely what you think, feel and say. It's as simple as that.

A life lived by choice is a life of conscious action. A life lived by chance is a life of unconscious reaction.

When you spend your time trying to figure out what's "best" for you, you are doing just that: spending you time. Better to save your time than to spend it wastefully.

It is a great time-saver to be out of you mind. Decisions are reached quickly, choices are activated rapidly, because your soul creates out the present experience only, without review, analysis and criticism of past encounters. Remember this: the soul creates, the mind reacts.

The soul intuitively seeks the perfect circumstance and situation now needed to heal wrong thought and bring you the rightful experience of Who You Really Are.

Therefore, in moments of great decision, be out of your mind, and do some soul searching instead. The soul understands what the mind cannot conceive.

Your feelings will never get you into "trouble," because your feelings are your truth. "True celebration is mindless. If you listen to your soul you will know what is "best" from you, because what is best for you is what is true for you.

Know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. 

Get out of your mind. Get back to your sense! It is a returning to how you fell, not how you think. Feelings are the language of the soul

It is not nearly so important how well a message is received as how well it is sent. 

Negativity arises out of an unhealed part of you. It is important to get these negativities out, to release them. Only by letting go of them—putting them out there, placing them in front of you—can you see them clearly enough to know whether you really believe them. You have all said things—ugly things—only to discover that, once having been said, they no longer feel "true."

Feelings are the language of the soul, but you must make sure you are listening to your true feelings and not some counterfeit model constructed in your mind.

Be here now Stop making things up. Be in the moment.

When you see things correctly, you become Creative, rather than Reactive.

Nothing is more natural than love. If you act lovingly, you will be acting naturally.

Why are you so amazed? These things, and more, shall you also do.

Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find. Knock and it shall be opened unto you.

I am with you always, even unto the end of time.

Negative feelings are not true feelings at all; rather, they are your thoughts about something, based always on the previous experience of yourself and others.

The Present Moment is the Only Reality. Stay there!

When you see the utter perfection in everything--not just those things with which you agree, but and perhaps especially those things with which you disagree--you achieve mastery.

We are perfect, just as we are.

These souls are drawn to you by you. You are drawn to them by them. It is a mutually creative experience, expressing the choices and desires of both. No one comes to you by accident. There is no such thing as coincidence. Nothing occurs at random. Life is not a product of chance.

If you cannot find a group whose consciousness matches your own, be the source of one. Others of like consciousness will be drawn to you.

Most people define "wrong" as that which is different from them.

Separation breeds indifference, false superiority. Unity produces compassion, genuine equality.6

It begins with you. Everything. All things.

It is not time which "passes," but objects which pass through, and move around in, a static field which you call space. "Time" is simply your way of counting movements! Space-Time Continuum

A thing "happens" only when it is "experienced." A thing is "experienced" only when it is "known."

You are a being of Divine Proportion, knowing no limitation.

Your thoughts are pure vibration--and they can and do create physical matter!

For everything there is a season; and a time for every Purpose under Heaven

Not with shame, that's for sure. And not with guilt, and not with fear. For shame is not virtue, and guilt is not goodness, and fear is no honor. And not with lust, for lust is not passion; and not with abandon, for abandon is not freedom; and not with aggressiveness, for aggressiveness is not eagerness.

Love, love, love the things you desire--for your love of them draws them to you.

Go ahead and choose having more, but only so that you have more to give.

Choose to Know God, and all else will follow.
Give yourself abundant pleasure, and you will have abundant pleasure to give others.

Feeling good is your way of telling yourself that your last thought was truth, that your last word was wisdom, that you last action was love.

The measure of how far one has evolved is what makes one feel good.

You are sending off energy--emitting energy--right now, from the center of your being in all directions. Every thought you've ever had colors this energy. Every word you've ever spoken shapes it. Everything you've ever done affects it.

You see beauty where you desire to see it. You see ugliness where you are afraid to see beauty.

Like attracts Like. Like Thoughts attract Like Thoughts along the Matrix.

All of life works on such a rhythm; all of life IS the rhythm.

Not just in matters of sexuality, but in all of life, never, ever, ever, fail to do something simply because it might violate someone else's standards of propriety.

Violate Propriety

Betrayal of yourself in order not to betray another is betrayal nonetheless. It is the highest betrayal.

To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.

IT is only through the exercise of the greatest freedom that the greatest growth is achieved-or even possible. If all you are doing is following someone else's rules, then you have not grown, you have obeyed.

Obedience is not growth.

If you knew of what your mind is capable, you would never cease to partake of its wonders—and its powers.

When was the last time you sat alone with the silence, traveling to the deepest part of your being? When was the last time you said hello to your soul? When you live as a single-faceted creature, you become deeply mired in matters of the body. When you live as a dual-faceted creature, you broaden your concerns to include matters of the mind. When you live as a three-part being, you come at last into balance with yourself.

Appreciation for all of life is what honors the Process I have created.

Enjoy everything. Need nothing. Especially people. Needing someone is the fastest way to kill a relationship. The greatest gift you can give someone is the strength and the power not to need you, to need you for nothing.

There is more than one point of view on everything.

The only difference between young people and older people is that young people do what they do out in the open.

Until you are willing to take responsibility for all of it, you cannot change any of it.

Parents who do not want children questioning their values are not parents who love their children, but rather, who love themselves through their children.

Everything in your life has served you, brought you to this moment.

No questions are undeserving or unworthy. Questions are like people.

All conflict arises from misplaced desire.

A preference, not a necessity.

When you have nothing to fear, you have nothing over which to be angry. When fear is taken from you, all else can be taken from you and you will not be angry.

What is needed is not a change of circumstance, but a change of consciousness.

There is perfection in everything. Strive to see the perfection.

Need nothing. Desire everything. Choose what shows up.

Feel your feelings. Cry your cries. Laugh your laughs. Honor your truth. Yet when all the emotion is done, be still and know that I am God.

See the glory of the process.

Quite the mind and move deep within the soul.

Fear not, for I am with you.

Your first question, always, must be: What do I want here? The purpose of your Holy Relationship with every other person, place, or thing is not to figure out what they want or need, but what you require or desire now in order to grow, in order to be Who you want to Be.

All attack is a call for help.

Simply want nothing. Have preferences, but no needs.

You must stop seeing God as separate from you, and you as separate from each other.

Love gives all and requires nothing.

Feel and express in very moment your Divine Connection with the All, and with every person, place, and thing.

Be a living, breathing example of the Highest Truth that resides within you.

Be a gift to everyone who enters your life, and to everyone whose life you enter. Be careful not to enter another's life if you cannot be a gift. When someone enters your life unexpectedly, look for the gift that person has come to receive from you.

Verily, verily, I say unto you--inasmuch as you have done it to the least of these, My brethren, so have you done it to Me.

Nothing breeds fairness faster than visibility. Visibility is simply another word for truth. Know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.

I am the way and the life. Follow me. If the whole world followed you, would you be pleased with where you took it?

The first mark of a primitive society is that it thinks itself advanced. The first mark of a primitive consciousness is that it thinks itself enlightened.

Jealousy kills, envy gives birth.

Follow your heart. Listen to your soul. Hear yourself.

Joy at the work place has nothing to do with function, and everything to do with purpose.

The mother who wakes up at 4 in the morning to change her baby's diaper understands this perfectly. She hums and coos to the baby, and for all the world it doesn't look like what she is doing is any work at all. Yet it is her attitude about what she is doing, it is her intention with regard to it, it is her purpose in undertaking this activity, which make the activity a true joy.

True Law is Natural Law--inexplicable and not needed to be explained or taught. It is observable. Only that which is not self-evident has to be explained to you.

Truth and God are found in the same place: in the silence. When you have found God, and when you have found truth, it is not necessary to talk about it. It is self-evident. If you are talking a lot about God,, it is probably because you are still searching.

You teach what you choose to learn.

Wisdom which comes from within is not nearly so easily discarded as wisdom which comes from another.

Most world's problems and conflicts, and of your problems and conflicts as individuals, would be solved and resolved if you would, as a society: 1. Abandon the concept of Separation. 2. Adopt the concept of Visibility.

God's greatest gift is the sharing of God's power.

Absolute Power demands absolutely nothing.

Friday, July 20, 2012

We are all led to the truth for which we are ready for. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

Feeling is the language of the soul. Words are merely utterances: noises that stand for feelings, thoughts and experience.

All great discoveries have been made from a willingness, and ability, to not be right.

If you have but the faith of a mustard seed, you shall move mountains.

The more you are, the more you can become, and the more you can become, the more you can yet be.

Life is not a process of discovery, but a process of creation.

Life is an opportunity for you to know experientially what you already know conceptually. You need merely remember what you already know and act on it.
Illness and disease are opposites of health and wellness, and are made manifest in your reality at your behest. You cannot be ill without at some level causing yourself to be, and you can be well again in a moment by simply deciding to be.
All of life exists as a tool of your own creation, and all of its events merely present themselves as opportunities for you to decide, and be, Who You Are.

There are no victims in the universe, only creators.

Each circumstance is a gift, and in each experience is hidden a treasure.

Do you praise to the creation, even as you seek to change it.
It is only when they can accept responsibility for all of it that they can achieve the power to change part of it.
The first step in changing anything is to know and accept that you have chosen it to be what it is. Seek then to change not because a thing is wrong, but because it no longer makes an accurate statement of Who You Are.

That this is so patently obvious is what makes it so utterly painful and so poignantly ironic.
Nothing is painful in and of itself. Pain is a result of wrong thought. It is a error in thinking.
Pain results from a judgment you made about a thing. Remove the judgment and the pain disappears.

Judge not, and neither condemn, for you know not why a thing occurs, nor to what end.

Belief in God produces belief in God's greatest gift—unconditional love—and  God's greatest promises—unlimited  potential.

Learn to greet each incident as a small part of a larger mosaic.

It is in not struggling that this process proceeds. It is in surrendering that the victory is won.

Your thought is the parent which gives birth to all things.

You can be, do, and have whatever you can imagine.

Emotion is the power which attracts.

Thought is creative. Fear attracts like energy. Love is all there is.

Masters are those who have chosen only love.

Desire is the beginning of all creation. It is first thought. It is a grand feeling within the soul. It is God, choosing what next to create.

Begin at once to imagine it the way you want it to be, and move into that.

Check every thought, word, and action that does not fall into harmony with that. Move away from those.

All conditions are temporary. Nothing stays the same, nothing remains static.
Which way a thing changes depends on you.

Perfect love is to feeling is what perfect white is to color. Thus for the soul to experience perfect love, it must experience every human feeling.

Healing is the process of accepting all, then choose best.

These things and more, shall you also do.

All attack is a call for help.

Do God a favor and don't try to contain Him. Do yourself the same favor.

God is so big, you can't miss.

If there is some aspect of creation you find you do not enjoy, bless it and simply change it. Choose again. Call forth a new reality. Think a new thought. Say a new word. Do a new thing. Do this magnificently and the rest of the world will follow you. Ask it to. Call for it to.

Become very clear in your thinking. Think about what you want to be, do and have. Think about it often until you are very clear about this. Then, when you are every clear, think about nothing else. Imagine no other possibilities. Throw all negative thoughts out of your mental constructions. Lose all pessimism. Release all doubt. Reject all fears. Discipline your mind to hold fast to the original creative thought.

When your thoughts are clear and steadfast, begin to speak them as truths. Say them out loud. Use the great command that calls forth creative power: I am. "I am" is the strongest creative statement in the universe.

Harnessing your thought, exercising control over them, is not as difficult as it might seem. It is all a matter of discipline. It is a question of intent. Learn to monitor your thoughts; to think about what you are thinking about.

When you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts—thoughts that negate your highest idea about a thing—think again, literally!

Keep a day for God, ad you shall call it holy. This, so that you do not long stay in your illusion, but cause yourself to remember who ad what you are. And then shall you soon call every day the Sabbath, and every moment holy.

Enlightenment is understanding that there is nowhere to go, nothing to do, and nobody you have to be except exactly who you're being right now. Stop trying to get there. Be there.

What Enlightenment asks you to do is to know something you have not experienced and thus experience it. Knowing opens the door to experience.

A true Master does not "give up" something. A true Master simply sets it aside, as he would do with anything for which he no longer has any use.

What you resist persists. What you look at disappears.

You are constantly in the act of creating yourself. You are in every moment deciding who and what you are. You decide this largely though the choices you make regarding who and what you feel passionate about. 

Understand it, see the illusion, and step aside from the passions that do not serve him--all the while loving the illusion for what it has brought to him: the chance to be wholly free.

Passion is the love of turning being into action. It fuels the engine of creation. It changes concepts to experience. Passion is the fire that drives us to express who we really are.

To live your life without expectation--without the need for specific results--that is freedom.

Passion is the path.

If you look at something--truly look at it--you will see right through it, and right through any illusion it holds for you, leaving nothing but ultimate reality in your sight. In the face of ultimate reality you puny illusion has no power. It cannot long hold you in its weakening grip. You see the truth of it, and the truth sets you free.

There is nothing in your reality to hold onto. Simply recreate it.

Look at whatever it is directly-accept the reality as your creation--then choose to keep it or not, as you wish.

The true renunciate does not renounce, but simply chooses differently. This is an act of moving toward something, not away from something. Resist not temptation--but simply turn from it. Turn toward God and away from anything unlike God.

You are, and have always been, already there.

Suffering has nothing to do with events, but with one's reaction to them.

Dedicate your whole mind, your whole body, your whole soul to the process of creating Self in the image and likeness of God. It is a choosing and a re-choosing every instant. It is ongoing creation. Conscious creation. Creation with a purpose.

A true teacher is not the one with the most knowledge, but one who causes the most others to have knowledge.

The law of God is the law of cause and effect. There is nothing you can't have if you choose it. Even before you ask, I will have given it to you.

You always get what you create, and you are always creating.

The purpose of a relationship is to decide what part of yourself you'd like to see "show up," not what part of another you can capture and hold

The purpose of relationship in not to have another who might complete you; but to have another with whom you might share your completeness.

The paradox of all human relationships: You have no need for a particular other in order for you to experience, fully, Who You Are, and... without another, you are nothing.

The most loving person is the person who is Self-centered. Let each person in relationship worry not about the other, but only, only, only about Self. It doesn't matter what the other is being, doing, having, saying, wanting, demanding. It doesn't matter what the other is thinking, expecting, planning. It only matters what you are being in relationship to that.

The test of your relationships has had to do with how well the other lived up to your ideas, and how well you saw yourself living up to his or hers. Yet the only true test has to do with how well you live up to yours.

The losing of the Self in a relationship is what causes most of the bitterness in such couplings.

You must honor your feelings. For honoring your feelings means honoring our Self.

You are love. Love that needs no protection, love that cannot be lost.

What is the highest choice? NOT what is the most profitable or how can I lose the least?

At the critical juncture in all human relationships, there is only one question: What would love do now?

Treating others with love does not necessarily mean allowing others to do as they wish.

You cannot have it all until you are willing to give it all up.

Never do anything in relationship out of a sense of obligation. Do whatever you do out of a sense of the glorious opportunity your relationship affords you to decide, and to be, Who You Really Are.

Try not to confuse longevity with a job well done.

Cultivate the technique of seeing all problems as opportunities to be and decide, Who You Really Are.

Broaden the scope of your horizons. Extend the depth of your vision. See more in you than you think there is to be seen. See more in your partner, too. If others notice that you see them as more, they will feel safe to show you what you obviously already see.

People tend to see in themselves what we see in them. The grander our vision, the grander their willingness to access and display the part of them we have shown them.

Demonstrating Who You Are constantly ultimately reminds others of Who They Are, for they will see themselves in you.

There is not obligation. Only opportunity.

Walking in awareness.

Embarrassment is the response of a person who still has an ego investment in how others see him.

The universe is just a big Xerox machine. It simply produces multiple copies of your thoughts.

How to change a Sponsoring Thought?
Reverse the thought-word-deed process. Do the deed that you want to have the new thought about. Then say the words that you want to have your new thought about. Do this often enough and you'll train the mind to think a new way.
Decide to act before you think. Act in accordance with the new idea you have. Act quickly, or you mind will kill the idea before you know it. The idea, the new truth, will be dead in you before you've had a chance to know it. So act quickly when the opportunity arises, and, if you do this often enough, your mind will soon get the idea. It will be your new thought.

You are what you think you are.

Doing is a function of the body. Being is a function of the soul. The soul is forever being. Your soul cares only about what you're being while you're doing whatever you're doing.

Your body is simply and merely the tool of your soul. Your mind is the power that makes the body go.

The soul leads you to the right and perfect opportunities for you to experience exactly what you had planned to experience.

The function of the soul is to indicate its desire, not impose it.
The function of the mind is to choose from its alternatives.
The function of the body is to act out that choice.
When body, mind, and soul create together, in harmony and in unity, God is made flesh.

Life's irony is that as soon as worldly goods and worldly success are of no concern to you, the way is open for them to flow to you. Remember, you cannot have what you want, but you may experience whatever you have. "I am"

Affirmations work only when they are statements of something you already know to be true. The best so-called affirmation is a statement of gratitude and appreciation. Wonderful results are from an awareness that results have already been produced.

The body and the mind are not dropped. The body changes form, leaving its most dense part behind, but retaining always its outer shell. The mind goes with you too, joining with the spirit and the body as the one energy mass of three dimensions, or facets.

The actions of the body were meant to e reflections of a state of being, not attempts to attain a state of being. Your life is not about what your body is doing. Yet it is true that what your body is doing is a reflection of what your life is about.

Everyone can love everything the moment they understand what they are doing, and why. No one does anything he doesn't want to do.

Worry is pointless. It is wasted mental energy. Health will improve almost at once when worrying ends. Worry is the activity of a mind which does not understand it connection with God.  Worry, hate, fear--together with their offshoots: anxiety, bitterness, impatience, avarice, unkindness, judgmentalness and condemnation—all attack the body at the cellular level. It is impossible to have a healthy body under these conditions. Similarly--although to a somewhat lesser degree—conceit, self-indulgence and greed lead to physical illness, or lack of well-being. All illness is created first in the mind.

Thought knows no distance.

You can never be open to the teachings so long as you are closed to everything save your won truth. The soul conceives, the mind creates, the body experiences.

I and the Father are One.

Truth is more unlimited than you can imagine. 

Joy and sacredness do mix. They are, in fact, the same thing.

You already know the answer. You just don't know that you know it yet. Whenever you have a question, simply know that He has answered it already. Even before you ask, I will have answered.