Faith is an incredible dog. She was born just before Christmas in 2002, and we were lucky enough to have her in our family just 3 short weeks later. She was born to a mother dog, believed to be nearly full blooded Chinese Chow Chow, along with several other siblings. Faith wasn't the only puppy born with deformities, but because "Princess", her mother, was not our dog, we are not sure of the exact number of puppies she gave birth to. It is certain, however, that Faith was the only puppy with deformities to live.
Faith was rescued by my son Reuben on January 21, 2003, when he and his friend Johnny, the owner of Princess, jumped over the fence of the flea market area that Princess was raised to guard. Princess isn't exactly the mothering kind. She was literally terminating Faith's life because she knew instinctively that Faith was unable to battle the other puppies for a place to feed. Faith was weak, small, runtish, and mostly she was nearly dead. Reuben grabbed Faith out from under Princess and smuggled her under his jersey. He wore #63 for the Putnam City Pirates football team.
When Reuben brought Faith to us she had 3 actual legs, but the left front leg was badly deformed, placed backward, upside down, and it had more toes on it than normal dog legs. The leg was removed when she was 7 months old when it began to atrophy. People ask me if it was easy to teach Faith to walk upright...the answer is NO! It was not easy, and it was not natural. It was SUPER natural, and therefore, we have to give all of the credit to Jesus. Of course, it took a little....Faith as well.
What you may or may not realize is that Faith was given an Honorary Commission as an E5 SGT in the U.S. Army in June 2006. She was commissioned out of Ft. Lewis near Seattle, WA. There were many many soldiers and civilians in attendance who cheered her on as she accepted her Commission. It was just suppose to be for an hour, but you know, when you're in the Army you're IN the Army. She proudly holds her head up - wearing her custom made ACU jacket (Thanks Jason) with the American flag and the Department of Defense patch as well. She is a therapy dog, and that is also reflected on the ACU jacket. She actually out ranks my son who is at this time an E4 Specialist. Faith can not be deployed and she enjoys no official benefits...but she gives a lot of love and encouragement to the men and women of our Armed Forces - all branches. Hooah!
后来她把花生牛油酱放在调羹上作为它站立和跳跃的诱惑和奖赏,而家中的另一只哥基犬也似乎常常想要强迫它去走动。等到Faith渐渐熟悉用两腿站立时,她开始训练 Faith 跳跃行走。
Faith 还喜欢跟着 Jude Stringfellow 外出
Faith 无论走到哪里都会引起人们的惊奇和关注
站起来的感觉多好啊! Faith 无比忠诚、不辞辛劳地到达任何一个需要它的地方
在少管所, Faith 矜持而严肃地走路,一步一个脚印,用力挺直身躯,那些顽劣的孩子被它感动得泪流满面
Faith 为那些孤独的老人带去了久违的欢笑
Faith 做到的,我们人类自己不一定能够做到,这就是 Faith 给我们人类上的很好的一课。不能四条腿行走也没关系,那就直立起来。站起来行走,看到的是更远的风景!无论上天赐予给自己的是一种什么样的形象,只要不放弃,就同样有飞翔的翅膀。
一条狗当然不能深谙做人的道理,但它使人们从它的身上,悟出了许多人生的道理和生活的信念。正是这样,从来只关注各界名流的《人物》周刊,周刊封面的位置第一次留给了这条叫Faith 的狗。
Stringfellow为Faith 写了一本名叫“With a little Faith”的书,讲述Faith 在训练中是如何战胜困难的,鼓励那些肢体有残疾的人。
Jude Stringfellew 还为Faith在网站上建立了一个博客,网站月点击量至少高达75000次, Faith 每天都能收到300多封“粉丝”们寄给它的电子邮件。
现在 Jude Stringfellow 计划放弃教师工作,带着 Faith 到世界各地,去告诉人们“即使没有完美的身体,也可以有完美的灵魂”。
相信爱!Faith 就是信念、生命和奇迹。
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