Friday, November 21, 2014
Norms and Conformity I
Bicchieri (2005) argues that social norms and conventions are mechanisms to coordinate people’s actions in a group. She maintains that there is a subtle difference between social norms and conventions. Although both social norms and conventions are coordinating device, conventions (which are stable descriptive norms according to Bicchieri) are used to solve a coordination game, while social norms transform social dilemmas into coordination games. In other words, it is consistent with an individual’s interest to follow a convention, while following a social norm may be contradicting with a person’s immediate interest. Traffic rules are a good example of conventions. As long as you know that other people drive on the right according to the convention, you will also want to drive on the right because it fits your personal interest. But being generous and acting fairly toward others, which is prescribed by the social norms, does not square with your personal interest as it incurs material cost or the renunciation of benefit.
Bicchieri’s categorization in my view is not a good one, as it does not really correspond to the essence of social norms. Social norms have a social component in them: you conform to social norms because you want to be liked by others and have a good standing in the group. Whenever an individual thinks about whether her behavior is acceptable by others, she is probably thinking of a social norm. Foot-binding of women in ancient China, as Bicchieri argued, is a convention. No matter how this practice came into existence, it quickly spread to all but the lowest classes, and was accepted as a sign of gentility and an important condition for marriage (Mackie, 1996). It is obvious, however, a woman decides to go through the pains to bind her feet is mainly concerned about the acceptance of others, and for this reason, it is better to treat it as a social norm. Conformity to social norms has a signaling function: it sends signals to others who you are.
Friday, November 14, 2014
Studies on Culture and Social Norms VI
Social norms can be used to explain some interesting experimental results. Xiao and Houser (2009) found that rejection of unfair offers is significantly less frequent in an ultimatum game when receivers can express their feelings to the proposer. The authors conclude that costly punishment may be just a way to express negative emotions. Using the social norms theory, we can speculate the social norm prescribe to show antipathy when the proposer acts unfairly. When it is possible to use negative emotions to demonstrate an aversion to the unfair behavior, the receiver does not feel necessary to engage in costly punishment. The possibility for the receivers to express negative feelings also makes the proposers more likely to give fair offer, possibly because it exerts focusing influence and draws the attention of the proposers to the social norm.
Xiao and Houser (2005) studied the effect of emotional expression in a one-shot dictator game. Their results confirm that avoiding written expression of disapproval, or negative emotion, plays an important role in promoting fair decision making. Proposers act more generously when the receivers can respond with written messages, although monetary sanctions are more effective when we compare the results from the dictator game and the ultimatum game. These results imply that others' pinion may serve the same function as sanctions in the operation of social norms.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Studies on Culture and Social Norms V
Cason and Mui (1998) also demonstrate the functioning of social influence similar to Krupka and Weber (2009)’s informational treatment in the setting of a sequential dictator game. In their experimental design, 4 subjects, denoted as subject 1 to 4, form a group. In stage 1, all subjects first indicate the amount of money P1 they want to take from the $40 pie in a dictator game with market setting. The information on the decision is then exchanged between subject 1 and 3, and between subject 2 and 4 in the Relevant Information treatment, while the information about the subject’s date of birth is exchanged in the Irrelevant Information
treatment between odd-numbered subjects and between even-numbered subjects. In stage 2, all subjects indicate the amount of money P1 they want to take from the $40 pie. The role of proposer and the receiver is then assigned randomly, either odd-numbered players or even-number players would be the sellers, and each seller can be the seller of only one stage, which are also randomly determined. Their results show that receiving relevant information makes subjects less likely to move to more self-regarding choices. They also find that subjects who exhibit more self-regarding behavior on their first decisions are less likely to change choices in the second stage, implying the sensitivity to social norms is heterogeneous among subjects.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Studies on Culture and Social Norms IV
The inadequacy of current theories on other-regarding preferences implies the importance to incorporate social norms into individuals’ preferences. Bicchieri (2005) is among the first that propose a norm-based utility function. The utility function she proposed has two parts: the monetary payoff and the norm-related utility. A social norm in her model is defined as one prescribed action in a situation, and disutility results when the agent violates the norm. The disutility is related to the reduction in others’ payoffs caused by this violation.
While this model provides better explanation for the above experiments compared to other models with prosocial preferences, it does not consider the case where multiple actions are equally appropriate, and its definition of norms makes it incapable in explaining results from experiments such as the multi-player dictator game studied by Dana et al. (2007).
Krupka and Weber (2013) propose a more refined definition of norms. Instead of defining a single appropriate action prescribed by the norm in a situation, they consider each action has some level of social appropriateness. They design a coordination game to elicit and quantify social norms. In their norm elicitation game, the subjects are asked to rate "social appropriateness” of an action in a specific situation on a scale of 4. The subjects get rewarded if their ratings are the same as the modal rating of the group. Using the elicited norms, Krupka and Weber analyzed the experimental results of various games, including famous games studies by other authors (List, 2007; Dana et al., 2006, 2007; Lazer and Pentland, 2009). Their experimental results show that social norms can provide a good prediction of individual decision making, and
subjects have a stable willingness to sacrifice money and take socially appropriate actions. Their research contributes to the endeavor to develop a theoretical model of social norms.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Studies on Culture and Social Norms III
Dana et al. (2006) show that people take into account other’s expectations while making decisions. They added one twist to the standard dictator game: the dictators can pay \$1 to exit the game with the advantage that the receiver will never know that the game has been played. About one third of dictators decided to quietly exit the game. In another private game setting where the receiver never knows about the game or where the money received is from, almost not exit was chosen. This implies that some dictators choose to give not because they care for fairness or others’ well-being, but simply because they don’t want to violate others’ expectations.
In another experiment, Dana et al. (2007) used binary dictator game to lend evidence to a similar argument: people behave generously mainly because they dislike appearing unfair to others. In their baseline treatment, the dictator can either choose A, which results in a self-interested allocation (\$6, \$1), or choose B, which leads to a fair allocation B (\$5, \$5). For the other three treatments, the level of transparency is reduced using different designs. In the hidden information treatment, the dictator can again choose A to receive $6 or B to receive $5, but the payoffs for the receiver are uncertain ex ante: with probability 0.5 the payoffs are the same as the baseline treatment (\$1 and \$5 respectively), and with probability 0.5 the payoffs for the receiver flip (\$5 and \$1 respectively). The dictator can choose to reveal the real payoffs or not. Many subjects chose not to reveal the really payoffs and took the selfish action. In their multiple dictator treatment, two subjects play the role of dictator and only when both of them choose A the allocation is inequitable (\$6, \$6, \$1), otherwise it will be a fair allocation (\$5,\$5,\$5). In their final treatment, the plausible deniability treatment, a "cutoff” feature is added to the baseline game: the computer will randomly choose an allocation if the dictator does not choose an action by the end of the cutoff period. Hence the receiver in this game would never know whether the allocation is chosen by the dictator or by the computer. The proportion implementing fair allocation in the three treatments that relax transparency, as the experimental results show, drops significantly compared to the baseline treatment. It seems that when the subjects have the moral wiggle room, they are more likely to behave according to self interest. People are willing shun away from a social norm, even at a cost, in order to make “justified” self-interested decision.
The above experiments have clearly shown that social norms play an important role in individual decision making and the expectations of other people matter. Current theories on prosocial preferences, such as inequality aversion, are inadequate in explaining these results (Fehr and Schmidt, 1999; Bolton and Ockenfels, 2000). In the game studied by (Dana et al., 2006), it is clear that the allocation (\$9,\$1) is preferred to (\$9,\$0) according to the inequality aversion model, but many subjects chose (\$9,\$0) given that the receiver would not know the proposed ever made any decision on the allocation. Similarly, the binary dictator game with hidden information in (Dana et al., 2007), revealing the payoff information for the receiver will aid the proposed in making decisions and increase her expected utility according to the inequality aversion model, but subjects chose to be ignorant on the other party’s potential payoff. Inequality aversion is outcome-based preferences. For the same reason, social welfare concerns, which drive people to maximize the total welfare of all the players, are not enough to explain the above experimental regularities.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Studies on Culture and Social Norms II
Henrich et al. (2001) ran an experiment using ultimatum game in 15 small societies. Their results reveal dramatic differences across cultures: in some societies, people show rational behavior predicted by traditional game theory, and in other societies “hyper-fair” offers are common, which can be interpreted as competitive gift-giving insults. Average offers in each society are strongly correlated with the degree of market integration. Contrary to most people would expect, in cultures with the most market integration, people exhibit more prosocial behavior. This implies that either market experience gives rise to norms of equal division or the norms of fairness promote the development of markets. Henrich et al. (2006) uses ultimatum game and third-party punishment game to study punishing behavior in the same 15 societies. They find that although people from all societies show some willingness to take costly action to punish unfair behavior, the magnitude of the punishment varies a lot across cultures. They also find that costly punishment is positively correlated with altruistic behavior across societies. The study of Henrich et al. (2010) shows that community size positively correlated with punishment and participation in religion is also likely to be associated with fairness. Using third-party dictator game played in 12 societies, Marlowe et al. (2008) also show that people from a larger and more complex society are more likely to engage in “altruistic” punishment. These results suggest that prosocial behavior is not just the product of an inherent psychology but also shaped by norms and institutions that have evolved over the human history.
Buchan et al. (2006) examine cultural difference using a trust game. The game was played in China, Japan, Korea and the United States. They asked the participants to fill out a questionnaire in order to get a measure of their cultural orientation (collectivist or individualist) in the context of the trust game. Their data show that people from different countries exhibit different level of other-regarding behavior: Chinese are most trusting and trustworthy while the Japanese are least so 7. Also, the influence of social distance on a person’s other-regarding behavior varies across country. This implies that individual’s cultural orientation may interact with other factors to influence behavior.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Studies on Culture and Social Norms I
Friday, October 3, 2014
External Incentives vs. Intrinsic Motivation
Most social scientists agree that people have the intrinsic motivation to abide by norms, to care for others and to behave virtuously. Even economists agree that intrinsic motivation plays a role. But given intrinsic motivation, incentives should also work, right? Adding external incentives can only reinforce the behaviors driven by existing intrinsic motivation stronger, isn't it obvious? Well, the obvious may not always be true. Behavioral economists start to find more and more evidence that monetary incentives can crowd-out people’s intrinsic motivation (Frey and Jegen, 2001; Bohnet et al., 2001; Fehr and Gächter, 2001). Proposing pecuniary payment, for instance, reduced Swiss citizens’ willingness to host a nuclear waste facility (Frey and Oberholzer-Gee, 1997). Imposing a fine on parents who arrive late to pick up their children from a day care center actually increased the number of parents arriving late, and removal of the fine did not decrease the number (Gneezy and Rustichini, 2000b). Offering a monetary compensation for blood donors reduces the supply of prospective blood donors, especially among women (Mellström and Johannesson, 2008).
The assumption of self-interested individuals may be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Everyone who is in a marriage knows that the best way to kill a marriage is to consider the other person as lazy, unhelpful, and ungrateful. Doing that will make the your partner act that way. When you consider others as selfish egoists, it is very likely that they would start to act like one. Imposing incentives in situations like this can impair people’s intrinsic motivation.
Monday, May 12, 2014
When you write a research paper
Monday, May 5, 2014
Flu shots! They help a lot?!
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Research Heroes: Richard Thaler
Friday, April 11, 2014
David Romer's Rules for Making It Through Graduate School and Finishing Your Dissertation
"Out in Five"
- Don't clutter up your life with other activities; just write.
- Don't carry out a thorough and comprehensive search of the literature; just write.
- Don't attempt to make sure that every page you write shows the full extent of your professional skills; just write.
- Don't write a well-organized, well-integrated, unified dissertation; just write.
- Don't think profound thoughts that shake the intellectual foundations of the discipline; just write.
- If you don't have a paper started by the spring of your third year, be alarmed.
- If you don't have a paper largely drafted by the fall of your fourth year, panic.
- Have three new ideas a week while you are getting started.
- Don't try to game the profession, work on what interests you.
- Good papers in economics have three characteristics:
- A viewpoint.
- A lever.
- A result.
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Panel Data Analysis -- Random Effects vs. Fixed Effects
The unobserved factors affect the dependent variable consist of two types: a_i (constant over time), and u_it (varying over time). a_i is called an unobserved effect or a fixed effect. u_it is called the idiosyncratic error or time varying error.
Fixed effects estimation uses a transformation (time-demeaned data) to remove the unobserved effect a_i. Fixed-effects transformation is also called the within transformation. A pooled OLS estimator uses the time variation in y and x within each cross-sectional observation. It is based on the time-demeaned variables and is called the fixed effects estimator or the within estimator.
In the fixed effects model, any explanatory variable that is constant over time for all i gets swept away by the fixed effect transformation, therefore, we cannot include variables such as gender or a city's distance from a river. The fixed effects estimation is adequate if we want to draw inferences only about the examined individuals.
When we assume that the unobserved effect a_i in the above model is uncorrelated with each explanatory variable in all periods Cov(x_it,a_i)=0 , we have a random effects model. This model is adequate, if we want to draw inferences about the whole population, not only the examined sample.
The fixed effects estimator subtracts the time averages from the corresponding variable. The random effects transformation subtracts a fraction of that time average, where the fraction depends on sigma_u^2, sigma_a^2, and the number of time periods, T.
In practice, it is usually informative to compute the pooled OLS estimates. Comparing the three sets of estimates can help us determine the nature of the biases caused by leaving the unobserved effect a_i, entirely in the error term (as does pooled OLS) or partially in the error term (as does the RE transformation.) Remember, however, the pooled OLS standard errors and test statistics are generally invalid: they ignore the often substantial serial correlation in the composite errors, v_it=a_i + u_it.
One can used Hausman test. A failure to reject means either that the RE and FE estimates are sufficiently close so that it does not mater which is used, or the sample variation is so large in the FE estimates that one cannot conclude practically significant differences are statistically significant.
Using FE is mechanically the same as allowing a different intercept for each cross-sectional unit. FE is almost always much more convincing than RE for policy analysis using aggregated data.
Panel data analysis can also be used to analyze clustered data. Depending on the nature of the clustered data, FE or RE can be used.
xttobit -- Linear Regression Model with Panel-level Random Effects for censored data
The output includes the overall and panel-level variance components (labeled sigma e and sigma u, respectively) together with rho, which is the percent contribution to the total variance of the panel-level variance component.
When rho is zero, the panel-level variance component is unimportant, and the panel estimator is not different from the pooled estimator. A likelihood-ratio test of this is included at the bottom of the output. This test formally compares the pooled estimator (tobit) with the panel estimator.
Saturday, April 5, 2014
The danger of high blood sugur
Diabetes, is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar.
Diabetes is due to either the pancreas not produce enough insulin, or because cells of the body do not respond properly to the insulin that is produced. There are three main types of diabetes mellitus:
1. Type 1 DM results from the body's failure to produce insulin.
2. Type 2 DM results from insulin resistance, a condition in which cells fail to use insulin properly, sometimes also with an absolute insulin deficiency.
Consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks in excess is associated with an increased risk. The type of fats in the diet are also important, with saturated fats and trans fatty acids increasing the risk, and polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat decreasing the risk. Eating lots of white rice appears to also play a role in increasing risk. A lack of exercise is believed to cause 7% of cases.
Why are high blood sugar levels bad for you? Glucose is precious fuel for all the cells in your body -- when it's present at normal levels. But persistently high sugar levels behave like a slow-acting poison.
High sugar levels slowly erode the ability of cells in the pancreas to make insulin. The pancreas overcompensates, though, and insulin levels remain overly high. Gradually, the pancreas is permanently damaged.
All the excess sugar is modified in the blood. The elevated sugar in the blood causes changes that lead to atherosclerosis, a hardening of the blood vessels.
Because high sugar levels are everywhere, the body can be damaged anywhere. Damage to blood vessels, in particular, means no area is safe from too much sugar. High sugar levels and damaged blood vessels cause the multitude of complications that can come with diabetes
3. Gestational diabetes, is the third main form and occurs when pregnant women without a previous diagnosis of diabetes develop a high blood glucose level.
Artificial sweetener increases the likelihood of gaining weight
Experiments have found that sweet taste, regardless of its caloric content, enhances your appetite. Aspartame has been found to have the most pronounced effect, but the same applies for other artificial sweeteners, such as acesulfame potassium and saccharin.
The reason why glucose or sucrose (table sugar) tends to lead to lower food consumption compared to non-caloric artificial sweeteners is because the calories contained in natural sweeteners trigger biological responses to keep your overall energy consumption constant. This was again evidenced in a study
In essence, real sugar allows your body to accurately determine that it has received enough calories, thereby activating satiety signaling. Without the calories, your appetite is activated by the sweet taste, but as your body keeps waiting for the calories to come, sensations of hunger remain.!
Friday, April 4, 2014
The Key for a Good Experimental Paper
Irwin–Hall distribution
Sunday, March 30, 2014
What statistical analysis should I use?
Number of
Dependent Variables |
Nature of
Independent Variables |
Nature of Dependent
Variable(s) |
0 IVs
(1 population) |
& normal
one-sample t-test
ordinal or interval
one-sample median
(2 categories) |
binomial test
Chi-square goodness-of-fit
1 IV with 2 levels
(independent groups) |
& normal
2 independent sample t-test
ordinal or interval
Whitney test
Chi- square test
exact test
1 IV with 2 or more levels
(independent groups)
& normal
one-way ANOVA
ordinal or interval
Kruskal Wallis
Chi- square test
1 IV with 2 levels
(dependent/matched groups) |
& normal
paired t-test
ordinal or interval
Wilcoxon signed ranks test
1 IV with 2 or more levels
(dependent/matched groups) |
& normal
one-way repeated measures ANOVA
ordinal or interval
Friedman test
repeated measures logistic
2 or more IVs
(independent groups) |
& normal
factorial ANOVA
ordinal or interval
ordered logistic regression
logistic regression |
1 interval IV
& normal
simple linear regression
ordinal or interval
non-parametric correlation
simple logistic regression
or more interval IVs and/or
1 or more categorical IVs |
& normal
multiple regression
of covariance
multiple logistic regression
2 or more
1 IV with 2 or more levels
(independent groups) |
& normal
2 or more
2 or more
& normal
multivariate multiple linear
2 sets of
2 or more |
& normal
canonical correlation
2 or more
& normal
factor analysis
Number of
Dependent Variables |
Nature of
Independent Variables |
Nature of Dependent
Variable(s) |
In statistics, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient or Spearman's rho, named after Charles Spearman and often denoted by the Greek letter (rho) or as , is a nonparametric measure of statistical dependence between two variables. It assesses how well the relationship between two variables can be described using a monotonic function. If there are no repeated data values, a perfect Spearman correlation of +1 or −1 occurs when each of the variables is a perfect monotone function of the other.