Tuesday, October 4, 2011

To Compromise or To Be Tenacious

People do have different views on one issue. Due to different experiences and personalities, people tend to look at the same thing from different angle. No particular one angle is right or wrong -- all the angles are a reflection of the truth, and none of them grasp the whole picture.

People understanding these will their best to avoid imposing our perspective onto others. We should avoid asking people to do what WE think is good for THEM. One man's honey is another man's poison. But when other people try to impose their opinions on us, what should we do? To compromise or to be tenacious to our principles?

Like Hamlet's ultimate question, there's no appropriate answer to that, and I believe the key to decide what to do depends on who you want to be. Be a peace-maker, then compromise; be a principle-sticker, then be tenacious.

It is you who can make the decision. But no matter what you choose, be content with your choice. Every choice you make defines you, and if you always choose they way you want to be defined that way, then you choice is always a perfect one.

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